Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday Best

Yesterday I woke up late and had to rush to save a spot at Les Enfants to see the Spain/Italy game. I was planning to post this invite but never got a chance.

Spain won!!!! Woot Woot and after about 4 or 5 caipirinhas ( lost count) I still managed to call New Day Car Service to send a car to pick up the 7 of us.. and there we went, trucking it to Gowanus to THE YARD. It was raining but the flyer said there was an indoor space to continue the dance party if needed.

We pulled up and it was pouring....I didn't see the indoor space but I did see Afrika Bambatta djing under a tarp. Somehow that got me over the idea that I was about to get drenched. Needless to say I had the best time and it was a perfect way to celebrate Spain's victory. We danced for about 3hrs straight. No more caipirinhas but they had some nice cold beer. I think there was also still bbq but I didn't see it. The sun did eventually come out, a little too late...but hey we didn't care. It was a fun hip hop hippy fest and the music was on hit.

I suggest if you can make it to the YARD this summer, do it!

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