Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Boarding Gate

I'll admit it, I'm obsessed with Asia Argento. The original bad girl (yep, way before Angelina) is at it again in her new flick Boarding Gate...In this new film by French director Olivier Assayas she plays sexy ex-prostitute Sandra, who is forced to flee London after a steamy S&M encounter with a debt ridden ex-lover (Michael Madsen) ends in violence. Fleeing to Hong Kong in search of a fresh start, she becomes involved with an attractive young couple, Lester (Carl Ng) and Sue (Kelly Lin), who promise to help her obtain papers and money. But nothing turns out as expected for Sandra, and she finds herself trapped in a sordid game of manipulation. Hot! How can you not enjoy a good trashy thriller flick like this? Dress code: anything tight and black (think Butter's new Karina Dress), and don't forget the red lips.

Boarding Gate is currently playing at Village East on 12th Street. Hurry up, I'm sure it won't run long.

Check out the trailer (I can't understand a word, ha ha):

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