Wednesday, March 19, 2008

LYM Fave Fashion Flicks: The Man who Fell To Earth

The Man Who Fell to Earth is a 1976 science fiction film directed by Nicolas Roeg, based on the 1963 novel of the same name by Walter stars David Bowie. I'm not really a sci-fi fan but I was curious about this film after I read Bowie's ex-wife's autobiography. She swears DB was high as hell while making this flick...that and having an affair with his co-star Candy Clark. Apparentely, he was also convinced he was some sort of alien himself in real life. Geez..what some booze and drugs will do..
Anyway, this flick is a good laugh and the cinematography is brilliant. Styling is super cool 70's: great interior sets, furniture, clothing, and music. Lots of 70's nudity too....I don't think there was such thing as the bikini wax back then.

Check out the original trailor...classic, love the music and VO at the end:

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