Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fashion Flick of the Week - "Arabesque"

Feel like having a lazy afternoon? "Arabesque" the 1966 adventure/romance film starring Gregory Peck and the absolutely drop dead gorgeous Sophia Loren is not only shot well (the art direction is super mod), but its funny and action packed. However, it's alone worth watching for the fashion (all of Sophia Loren's wardrobe was designed by Christian Dior). Fashion favorites include a red patent leather raincoat, classic white jackie o type dresses, white thigh high mod boots, and my favorite, a kelly green coat paired up with a lovely cheetah hat. Overall this has got to be one of the most beautifully photographed movies ever made. It's very Hitchcock meets James Bond. The music is good too (scored by Henry Mancini). Hands down worth the watch.

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